POWERUP Penis Enlargement Pump


Looking for something to make your erections stronger and help you deliver longer-lasting rounds? Might be time to invest in a penis pump.

This little devil increases blood flow to your penis by using suction pressure from the attached pump. This helps bring on or maintain an erection and may result in temporary penis enlargement and a more sensitive glans which may boost sexual performance.

A quick tip: To maintain the erection for longer, use a cock ring or penis sleeve after pumping to a hardness you’re comfortable with. This will keep blood in your penis and help you stay harder for longer. Your level of arousal also plays a major part in maintaining a strong erection, so consider getting male enhancement pills to boost libido for even better results.

Take it slow and apply plenty of water-based lube for comfort.

Care Instructions

Silicone-based lubricants may react with silicone products, leading to swelling of the area of the toy submerged in silicone or other distortion. To be safe, only use water-based lubricants with the pump.

Wash it with warm water and mild soap or an antibacterial toy cleaner before and after use to prevent infection.


  • Everyone is different, so results may vary
  • Do not leave a cock ring on for more than 30 minutes or you risk cutting off blood circulation
  • Even though a penis pump is a safe option for someone with erectile dysfunction and can be used multiple times a day if required, ensure that you use it correctly so you do not injure yourself, i.e., bruising from too much pressure
  • A penis pump may not be right for you if you have a blood disorder, a history of blood clots and/or take blood thinners
Availability: Out of stock



  • Temporarily enlarges your manhood
  • Helps with weak erections
  • Smooth silicone mouth (3 different sizes)
  • Safe to use for those who suffer from erectile dysfunction
  • Material: ABS and silicone
  • Chamber length: 22cm
  • Chamber opening: 2.5cm (stretchy)

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